Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Traditonal Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Traditonal Theories - Essay Example The classical criminologists on the other hand, argued that criminal behavior was as a result of rationalism thereby refuting claims of possession by evil spirits (Barak et al. 95). Criminals thus pursue personal interests by committing crimes. Since criminals are rational, committing crime is a free will. According to Barak et al (95), criminals commit crimes to â€Å"maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain†. Crimes were punished through legal reforms which are formal and rational in nature. The positivist school of thought argue that criminals are forced to act by factors beyond their control such as; biological, psychological and sociological factors thus refuting rationalism as a driver of criminality (Barak et al. 95). The criminals are seen as portraying abnormal behavior and thus punishment is aimed at correcting the behavior to conform to the norms of society. They are thus given reform treatment and social intervention. The last school of thought emphasizes on inequality as the diver of criminal activities. They thus commit crime to correct the inequalities. Such crimes include activities such as; financial manipulations and robbery. Such conditions are corrected through equitable distribution of resources (96). White-Collar and Organized Crime The traditional theories can be applied to white-collar crimes and organized crimes.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bridges of Amsterdam Essay Example for Free

Bridges of Amsterdam Essay Leonid Afremov is a modern impressionist. He uses bright colours and strong strokes but he does not use a brush he uses a pallet knife. He developed his unique style of painting over many years, being influenced by other artists on the way. Afremov says that Marc Chagall was his biggest influence with his earlier work. He has then moved away from surrealism and into impressionism. Leonid was born on the 12th of July 1955 in Vitebsk. He was raised in a traditional Jewish household. Leonid had a difficult upbringing as he had to care for his paralysed Grandmother. His family were unwanted by many people in their town as they spoke Yiddish and practiced many Jewish traditions despite the anti-Semitism law. Leonid was a good student in school. he was interested in history and art. He attended every possible art class the school offered and even got private lessons from local artists. I did not know anything about this artist but his painting caught my eye when I was searching for a painting to write about. I chose this painting because of the eye catching colours; I like the use of hot and cold colours and how parts of the painting blend while other parts don’t. The painting gives me a feeling of warmth and happiness I think this is because of the warm colours used and how bright they are this may also be because of the big bold strokes that are so obvious in the painting that make it just that little bit more unique than other artists. I think Leonid is trying to put across the message of happiness but it could also be a message of loneliness, if you look closely you will see that there is no one in the street and you can’t see anyone in the windows of the buildings. This painting is very interesting all together but one of the most interesting things about the painting is how Leonid made the lights on the bridge actually look like they are glowing the way he did this is by using different tones of yellow and orange to make a glow effect. Leonid uses many interesting techniques such as how the textures are realistic especially in the reflection of the river, and how the tree blends into the sky but you can tell exactly where the leaves of the tree come to the end of the climb towards the sky. He uses a wide variety of thick and thin lines which are very different to the lines that you would see if the painting had been painted with a brush. The composition of this painting is different to other painting as I feel that there is no real focal point, your eyes just wonder around the canvas looking for something new to catch. You could tell who’s painting this is as there are no other artists that use these bold trade mark strokes that are mostly used in the sky but you can see little bits of them used in the buildings and in the tree’s What makes this painting just a little bit more special is that even though you can tell it is night there is still light bright colours in the sky which gives us a feeling o f day but the way he has made the reflections in the river and the way the street lamps shine and the light in the windows of the building that is what gives us the feeling of night time. The very famous painting â€Å"Sunday afternoon on the island of the Grand-Jatte† by Georges Seurat is in some ways very similar to Leonid’s work but in other ways not similar at all. The technique George Seurat used to paint this piece is very unique as was Leonid’s also the shadows and reflections are similar as they are both quite discrete about them. There may be similarities within the work but they are very different as Georges uses a very fine brush and normal colours but Leonid uses a pallet knife and bold colours as well as more texture to his painting. Leonid’s early work was influenced by Marc Chagall who grew up in the same town as Leonid. Chagall was a surreal expressionist this comes to show how much Leonid has grown as an artist as he has experimented with many different styles and has grown to develop his own style of painting within the modern impressionistic way of painting. Many events in Leonid’s life may have affected the way he paints but he himself is positive that war was not one of them, Leonid moved to Israel as he found that he and his family couldn’t have a steady life in Russia anymore. Israel influenced him in many ways as he was an optimistic he found contributing the colours of the bright southern sun made his painting just that little bit more unique this is when he flourished as an artist the most in his career. The society was a big problem in Leonid’s time as it was not very welcoming with the Jewish faith, he found this was the biggest problem in Russia and that was also one of the reasons that he and his family had to move. Even though Leonid was born in Russia he didn’t feel like it was his home country. i think this affected his painting’s in a big way, if you look at the painting you will see that there is no one in the streets its deserted it gives a feeling of serenity as if he wants to be alone separated from something.

Friday, October 25, 2019

In-Depth Look at Viaggio in Ponente written by Domenico Laffi Essay exa

An In-Depth Look at Viaggio in Ponente written by Domenico Laffi Many of the gaps in the historical record of human civilization have been filled in by journals written by people about the events surrounding them. Such journals give a unique view into the life of an everyday person even in the most extreme of circumstances. An example of this is the log kept by Domenico Laffi, which he wrote as a travel guide for other pilgrims in the seventeenth century. Among the common events of river crossings and wells tucked away on high mountain peaks, Laffi writes a detailed description of cities, holy rights and the scientific and technological works he encounters during his travels. Laffi's record of his travels is very important to the understanding of how pilgrims themselves were the main means of information exchange at a time when most cities were isolated from one another. In order to put Laffi's experiences into perspective one must understand a bit about the man. Laffi was a priest in Bologna, Italy. Laffi never had his own parish, instead his passion was for traveling and he made the pilgrimage from Italy to Santiago de Compostela, Spain three times in his life. In addition to these journeys, he also made pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Lisbon. In his journal it is quickly apparent that his status as a priest gives him great advantages in education as well as the way in which he was treated, over his fellow pilgrims. An example of how differently he was treated occurs when Laffi and his companion join up with another pilgrim known only as "the Roman." The Roman is a more ordinary sort of pilgrim and must often stay in hostels with little food while Laffi and companion are entertained by Lords, Canons and other such nobility. Wh... ...oo went on pilgrimage. Laffi's journal is important both in the context of his time as well as in the context of our own. He relates his travels as a guide to his fellow pilgrims, but the guide is also rich with information that the average person of his time did not have access to. His guide is an important source of information to modern historians in recreating the past from a more personal as well as a more scientific point of view. Laffi's journal truly demonstrates how a person can become information just as a signpost becomes the information written upon it. Notes 1. A Braccio was a unit of measure usually equaling 55cm. Works Cited Laffi, Domenico. A Journey West; The Diary of a Seventeenth-Century Pilgrim from Bologna to Santiago de Compostela. Trans. James Hall. Leiden, The Netherlands: Primavera Pers. 1997. Trans. of Viaggio in Ponente.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Christianity in the Roman empire Essay

The Ancient Romans were polytheistic, thus believed in pagan gods and worshipped idols. After some time, a new religion called Christianity rose among the people of Judea. However, as soon as it appeared the Romans started to persecute Christians for not worshipping the emperor and for refusing to go to the army. Even though Christians were persecuted, the religion spread around the Roman Empire at a glance. This was due to the road system in Rome, the common languages spoken by the people, to the fact that anyone could convert to Christianity and finally that it was impossible to destroy an idea. The Roman Empire had an amazing road system which bonded the gigantic empire. When Christianity appeared, the idea of the religion traveled quickly due to the roads that led to Rome. In a few days Romans knew what and where was everything happening. If it wasn’t for the roads Christianity wouldn’t have spread so quickly. However due to the Roman road system it did. The roads not only unified the whole empire but also contributed into spreading the new religion around it. However if it wasn’t for the Latin language, the Christian ideas wouldn’t spread that fast. The Latin language was one the major bonds of the Roman Empire. In addition it played a huge role in spreading of Christianity. Everyone in Rome spoke one official language. So the success of Christianity was also due to the common language Latin. Finally, the road system helped a lot with the spreading of Christianity, however without the common language, Latin; it would never spread as fast. One of the things Jesus wanted to change in Judaism was the conversion rules.  He didn’t like the fact that people had to do a lot of things in order to become Jewish. Jews didn’t want people to convert to their religion that is why they made the rules harsh. Jesus on the other hand tried to simplify Judaism and later it became known as a separate religion Christianity. What was interesting in Christianity is that fact that anyone could become a Christian, no matter what they did, where they lived or who they were. Christianity spread because of its appeal to those who led hard lives. It gave a sense of community and fellowship to the people. There were no class distinctions or sex differences in the religion. Christians believed that in G-ds eyes everyone was the same. When people all around the empire heard about these ideas they were interested, because they were new and unique, and that is why thousands of them converted to Christianity. However when there were too many people joining Christians, The Romans became very angry because now they couldn’t unite every one in the empire by worshipping the emperor. And now Christians come along and they ruined all of their plans of bonding the empire. The Romans started to persecute Christians all over the empire. By persecuting Christians they made the religion stronger because people saw others who were willing to die for a religion. Even though Christian’s persecutions were sporadic and evil they couldn’t wipe out all the Christians, that is why the idea continued to grow. The religion spread mainly due to the fact that Christians were martyrs, the idea that people were killed for their beliefs made the religion more attractive for others; it must have been something special to die for, so people followed it and Christianity spread. An idea is a seed that was buried deep inside the ground by someone. No one is able to see it; it doesn’t stand on someone’s way because it is deep inside the ground and impossible to see. The seed is strong because it is unified. However time makes it grow and develop, and break through ground to show up outside the earth to see the sun. The sun gives it energy and it continues to grow it becomes strong, powerful and big. But as soon as it starts to develop new ideas attend the people on that plant and new branches develop, making the plant bigger and bigger, until it starts to annoy someone. That someone sees lots of people following the idea  and they start to persecute in order to destroy everything on their way, everything they can see! They cut off the new ideas, torture the plant but they can not destroy the roots, the concept, the idea because it continues to live deep inside the ground. The Romans saw a beautiful plant, Christianity that was blooming and growing and developing. They wanted to unite all the Romans by worshipping the emperor. However Christianity started to grow their own plant and refused to worship the emperor or go to the army. This made Romans angry and they started to persecute Christians, they wanted to destroy their plant. By persecuting one Christian, others that shared the same beliefs and views on the world, tried to help him, maybe they did not succeed but more and more people joined to help Christians, who were tortured by the Romans, people that were tired and knew that were going to die anyway joined Christians to pay off to the Romans, they wanted to revenge. In addition Christianity gave hopes for the people that were tired of the Roman control. Thousand people joined, thus it united people and made them stronger. Even though millions were killed there were others that joined and the idea was never destroyed. For the Romans and for everyone it seemed that Christianity was already dead, but no, the roots were still alive. Christianity was like an iceberg, the Romans destroyed everything they saw but not the idea, not the roots! The roots continued to grow inside and they became strong and united deep inside the ground where no one could see them. Finally, Christianity survived and dominated the Roman Empire because everyone could easily become a Christian, the news traveled really fast in the Roman Empire and it was impossible to destroy a unique idea. To conclude Christianity succeeded because it gave the people of Rome who were tired of the instability, hope. Moreover Romans didn’t really care what Christians believed in, Roman government was instable and they needed scapegoats, who were extreme with their opinions and were ruining the stability of the Roman Empire, such as Christians.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Describe Romeo and Juliet’s love Essay

Describe Romeo and Juliet’s love and the way it develops in the course of the play. (Look carefully at the language used and use short quotations to illustrate your answer. ) Shakespeare meant for his plays to be performed on a stage and not to be read, he was a very skilled play write and he made his audiences believe things that in reality could not happen in such a short space of time. Romeo and Juliet’s love for one another shows their disobedience towards their parents. The houses that the pair of ‘star cross’d lovers’ belong to are involved in an ‘ancient’ feud. We are made aware of the feud before we even meet the lovers; it is the very first thing that the Chorus, who is a single person on the stage which Shakespeare and many other play writes used to calm down a disorderly audience and give background information on the play, says: ‘Two households both alike in dignity In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. ‘ Their love is ill-fated from the moment they first meet, at Capulet’s party, because of the dispute that has been going on for generations. When we first meet Romeo, his father Lord Montague describes Romeo’s melancholic mood, this fits exactly the contemporary ideas of lovesickness in Shakespeare’s time. Lord Montague and Benvolio contrast Romeo’s feelings for Rosaline and how they have changed his personality. We can see that Romeo is not himself as he says: ‘Tut, I have lost myself; I am not here; This is not Romeo, he’s some other where. ‘ The many oxymorons, Romeo uses in his speech are meant to suggest his confused state of mind: ‘Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep,’Romeo sees Rosaline as the most beautiful woman on earth he matches her beauty to those of saints: ‘When the devout religion of mine eye Maintains such falsehood, then turn tears to fire! ‘ It seems that Romeo is only in love with the idea of being in love. On our first meeting with Juliet her mother is calling her. She replies to her mother in a formal way: ‘Madam, I am here. What is your will? ‘ She is modest, quiet and beautiful. Since she is from a powerful Verona family she is well dressed. When Lady Capulet suggests that the County Paris would make a good husband, Juliet responds:’I’ll look to like, if looking liking move. But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly. ‘ In the times when the play was written it was normal for parents to arrange who their daughter would marry. When Romeo sees Juliet for the first time his extravagant declarations of love for Rosaline vanish in a second. He now speaks with tenderness and plainness: ‘Beauty to rich for use, for earth to dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows. ‘ In the last line of his speech, ‘Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night. ‘ What Romeo says, is that what he said earlier in the play was silly and wrong. Ironically, when Benvolio was persuading Romeo to go to the party he told him he would soon forget Rosaline and this is just what happened. Romeo anticipates the line of approach he will take during the dance by saying that her touch will ‘bless’ his hand. It was believed at this time that true love always struck at first sight; love that grew gradually was no love at all. ‘This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand’. This is a quick-witted bout of flirtation in which both sides are equally smitten, as is made clear by what follows, but in which Juliet plays the proper young girl’s role of cutting up Romeo’s ‘lines’ as fast as he can think them up. ‘Saints do not move, but grant for prayers’ sake. ‘ ‘Then have my lips the sin that they have took. ‘ and ‘You kiss by the book. ‘ This shows Juliet to be much wittier than a typical 13 year old girl. This flirtatious fourteen-line passage is actually a sonnet; it was popular in the sixteenth century and generally regarded as the proper means for love poetry. Juliet manages to tease Romeo slightly in the earnest gesture of the devotion that they declare: ‘For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,’ and ‘Ay, pilgrim, lips that they use in prayer. ‘ Juliet is encouraging Romeo to kiss her in a subtle way. She takes early charge of the relationship. Romeo’s love for Juliet is unmistakably passionate, which an Elizabethan audience would have loved. He uses a lot of effective imagery. For example the image of the sun: ‘It is the east, and Juliet the sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,’ Romeo is putting Juliet on a higher pedestal, saying she is a higher being, he is also referring to the brightness of her beauty, and that she brings light into his world of darkness. In calling for the triumph of the sun over the moon, Romeo is hoping she will not remain a virgin much longer. Women who prolonged their virginity excessively were thought to suffer from â€Å"green-sickness,† a problem that could only be cured by healthy lovemaking. The entire opening soliloquy to this scene is devoted to Romeo’s fevered desire that Juliet will make love with him. Despite his passion, he is shy enough, and polite enough, not to simply burst in upon her. It is the tension between his overwhelming desire and his reserve that shows how much he truly loves her. The comparison of a woman’s eyes to bright stars was a usual thing, but Romeo elaborates it in a dazzling series of lines dwelling on the brightness of Juliet’s beauty: ‘The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars As daylight doth a lamp. Her eyes in heaven’ Romeo is impetuous, impulsive and has his head in the clouds; he uses phrases of elaborate description. Whereas Juliet is down-to-earth, practical, natural and spontaneous by her speech we can tell that it is her first experience of love and that she is young and because of the language she uses that Romeo excites her. It is Juliet who is thinking through the consequences of their love more systematically and practically than is Romeo. She almost immediately speaks of the death that threatens him: ‘And the place of death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here’ Romeo replies that love cannot be held out by ‘stony limits’. Romeo believes that love has directed him to Juliet. From the beginning their dialogue is riddled with reference to death. This is dramatically ironic because the chorus already told the audience that they will die because of their love. When Romeo says: ‘Alack, there lies more peril in thine eyes; And thou but love me, let them find me here’ He is using conventional and courtly language, which goes back centuries. Juliet’s long speech makes clear that she is still an honourable young woman who wishes her love had not been so promptly revealed; but now that it has been, she does not intend to look backward. She indirectly refers that Jove laughs at the oaths of lovers. Just as Romeo had scorned the moon for its virginity, Juliet rejects it as too variable: ‘O swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. ‘ Juliet is honest. She feels that she has been too easily won by Romeo: ‘Or if thou think’st I am too quickly won, I’ll frown and be perverse and say thee nay, So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world. ‘ Again Juliet allows herself to flirt with oath in calling Romeo her God. Romeo insists that he will love Juliet faithfully. Having proclaimed her love once, the basis of Juliet’s expression is unstopped, and she becomes the dominant figure in the rest of the scene. This young pair know very little about each other except that they are extremely attractive and witty. Juliet’s has split moods in this scene one is lead by her head and one by her heart. Her head is her practical side; her heart is spontaneous and excited. Falconry was a popular sport in Elizabethan England. Juliet is comparing Romeo to a falcon, and what she would like is for Romeo to be her falcon, she likes the idea of being able to call him back to her hand whenever she needs him: ‘Hist! Romeo, hist! O for a falconer’s voice, To lure this tassel-gentle back again! ‘ When Romeo asked the Friar to marry Juliet and himself, the Friar agreed only because he is hoping that the marriage of Romeo and Juliet will put an end to feud between the houses of Montague and Capulet. From the text we can tell that Friar Laurence is Romeo’s confident, a father-figure. Children in the 14th/15th Centuries who had important parents didn’t have the same relationship as children today have with their parents. This is why Juliet confides in her nurse and Romeo in Friar Laurence. The last line in Act two Scene one, Friar Laurence is saying to Romeo that he should take it slow because those that go to fast will ‘stumble’ later on: ‘Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast. ‘ In the marriage scene it is Friar Laurence who is thinking ahead, he says: ‘So smile the heavens upon this holy act, That after hours with sorrow chide us not! ‘ Romeo, lives only in the present, and says so: ‘Amen, amen! But come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight. ‘ In his view, the joy of a minute with Juliet will be greater than all the possible sorrow of any later hours. Romeo adds that he is ready to face the greatest sorrow of all: ‘Do thou but close our hands with holy words, Then love-devouring death do what he dare; It is enough I may but call her mine. ‘ These exulting words foreshadow what actually happens; ‘love-devouring death’ makes its first appearance shortly after the wedding. The Friar understands that Romeo thinks love will make him bullet-proof, and tries to talk some sense into him: ‘These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume. ‘ On their wedding night Friar Laurence anticipates that they will ‘consume’ each other (consummate their marriage). Just like the nurse anticipates for Juliet. The Friar says that the ecstasies of love can’t last forever. ‘The sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness, And in the taste confounds the appetite†:’ In other words, too much honey can ruin its taste. The Friar concludes his little talk by advising Romeo to ‘love moderately’ as, ‘Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow’. Juliet reveals her innermost feelings in her soliloquy. She is apprehensive and excited: she makes a reference to the classical god Phoebus Apollo: ‘Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, Towards Phoebus’ lodging; such a waggoner. ‘ Juliet uses a lot of phrases that make her seem impatient like, ‘Gallop’, ‘leap’ and ‘fiery-footed steeds’. Juliet is nervous about what is going to happen when Romeo arrives. She extends the falcon image: ‘Hood my unmann’d blood, bating in my cheeks, With thy black mantle; till strange love, grown bold,’ She gives the impression that she is worried about her body and that she will not fulfil Romeo’s needs. The repetitive use of the word ‘come’ refers to her impatience for Romeo to arrive quickly to her. Most of the soliloquy is of a sexual nature but some of it is not, for example: ‘Give me my Romeo. And when I shall die Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the faces of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night,’ This is extremely romantic. It also refers to death. When the nurse tells Juliet that Romeo has killed Tybalt, Juliet uses oxymorons, these show that she is confused, ‘beautiful tyrant’ and ‘fiend angelical’. However, when the nurse starts to criticise Romeo, Juliet cuts off the nurse and defends him, ‘Blister’d be thy tongue’. Juliet implies that banishment is worse than death. She seems more mature and her practical side is seen especially when she says: ‘My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain; And Tybalt’s dead, that would have slain my husband:’ Romeo uses direct and romantic speech that shows his sincere and loving feelings; ‘It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die. ‘ This shows that he is mature; much more than Juliet earlier in the play. Their mature dreamy roles are swapped. Romeo reassures Juliet that they will be together again: ‘I doubt it not; and all these woes shall serve For sweet discourses in our time to come. ‘ Juliet’s reply to this phrase is: ‘O God! I have an ill-divining soul: Methinks I see thee, now art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb: Either my eyesight fails, or thou look’st pale. ‘ This is dramatic irony because when Juliet wakes up from the potion she does see Romeo on the floor of the tomb. Juliet seeks the help of Friar Laurence because she has been abandoned by her parents and her nurse, the one person she is closest to, except for Romeo but it seems that he too has deserted her. She feels suicidal when she talks to Friar Laurence; she would rather die than marry the County Paris. When Friar Laurence suggests that she takes the potion she appears to be relieved. Though out the scene she is very courageous. The soliloquy dwells on her fear of the vault; it enlarges what she had already said to Friar Laurence. The speech confirms that the vault is connected with the catastrophic climax of the play. She is determined to kill her self in the potion does not put her in a slight coma: ‘What if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I be married than tomorrow morning? No, no; this shall forbid it: lie thou there. ‘ She fears it could be poison and she then contradicts that statement in the next one. She feels that she may go mad in the tomb if Romeo is not there when she wakes, the horror of these images make her go mad. In the end she takes the potion for Romeo’s sake: ‘Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! Here’s drink – I drink to thee! ‘ Romeo’s speech before taking the poison is direct and simple poetry. He is still referring to Juliet as ‘light’. In the speech Romeo personifies death and accuses death of trying to keep Juliet beautiful so that death can use her for his pleasure: ‘That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in the dark to be his paramour? ‘ He uses grotesque metaphors and similes. He appears to be preparing himself for death. ‘A dateless bargain to engrossing death! ‘ He is trying to prolong the moment. His love for Juliet is obvious at this point in the play; he drinks the poison for Juliet, ‘Here’s to my love! ‘ all he wants is to be with Juliet and if they can’t be together in life then the must be in death. As a result of the lovers’ deaths the families are brought together. Prince Escalus makes sure that the blame is shared; he makes that very clear: ‘Where be these enemies? – Capulet! Montague! See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love; And I, for winking at your discords too, Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished. ‘ The prince is also blaming himself; he knows that all had a part to play is Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, and this is why it is such a tragic ending which is written in a very expert way.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom The Financial Statements of the Company essay

buy custom The Financial Statements of the Company essay An accounting record refers to the documentation and books kept for purposes of making financial statements and records kept for auditing purposes and financial review. The accounting records can be in the form of a flowchart which is a pictorial representation that shows the procedure followed within an organization. The flow chart follows a systematic way from the time the order is place to the time it is received. The first stage is the authorization of the purchase by the relevant person in the firm followed by placing an order for the purchase, which is, issuing the invoices. Sequential numbering of the invoices follows for ease of record keeping and for audit purposes. Then the approval i.e. initiating of signs is done to authenticate the invoices. Adherence to authority limits should be observed in order to be in line with company rules. The goods received notes should be checked for proper recording and matching against purchase orders. The fundamental accounting concepts refers to the basic rules and regulations thatshould be incorporated in the new computerized system include the following. It should show materiality. This refers to the importance of an amount, transaction or a discrepancy. Something is said to be material if its omission would affect the operations of the business in a huge way. Therefore, the system should be in apposition to detect material transaction from immaterial transaction. The other concept that should be incorporated in the software is that of consistency. This means that the firm has to be consistent in the application of the accounting principles and all the accounting standards without changing them regularly. For example the firm should use only one method of providing for depreciation such as the straight line method. The other concept that should be incorporated is that of the matching concept. It is a principle based on accrual and revenue recognition. The system should be in a position to record an accrual when it has been incurred rather when it is paid while the revenue should be recorded when it is earned rather when it is received. The other concept that should be incorporated is that of time period. This means that the system should record a transaction in the period in which it regards. Transaction of one accounting period should not be recorded in another financial period. The advantage of a computerized accounting system is that it is faster. It is faster to do data entry in a computer as compared to the manual process since it has inbuilt databases for suppliers and customers. A computerized system is effective in the automatic production of documents. The other advantage is that there is a high level of accuracy. Computerized system minimizes to a great extent the occurrence of errors since there is only one entry compared to the manual way where there may be two or three entries that increases chances of errors.. A computerized system also allows for compatibility. This means that different people within the same organization can share information stored in the system. A computerized system also leads to cost savings. The programs reduce staff time and it reduces audit costs since records are neatly kept. Disadvantages of a computerized system The systems are subject to risks such as hacking and fraud. This can lead to important and confidential information about the firm being leaked to unauthorized person which can affect a company. The systems are costly. It is expensive to purchase and install the systems in an organization. The systems require regular updating, the staff has to be trained to enable them use the systems and this adds to operating costs. The computer systems are difficult to understand and they require experts to use them. The computer systems depend on power and they suffer a great deal of failure in times of power blackout. The computer system can cause health problems to users. This is so where an individual has to use the system though out and it can bring complication. A business risk refers to the possibility of a loss to a firm, or a factor that may affect the operations negatively. The business risks that the firm may face in Vietman are due to economic conditions in Vietnam. This may be due to high cost of doing the business due to high interest rates, inflation, increase in spending power and high costs of paying wages. The firm may also be faced with political risks. This is due to political instability in Vietnam which will lead to low sales, destruction of the warehouses. The other risk the firm may face is change in legislations by the government, change of taxation policies, increased costs of licenses and these will lead to low profits and sales. The firm may also face internal risks which may stem from lack of expertise to operate the warehouses in Vietnam. The firm may also face financial challenges here it will not be in a position to finance all its operations. The firm may face the risk of running obsolete equipment which is outdate d and thus lack of market which will lead to massive losses. The key objectives of internal control over plant, property and equipment is to safeguard them from theft, misuse and accidents, to ensure maximum utilization of the assets through preventing wastages and unnecessary usage and thus encouraging efficient utilization, to ensure reliability and this is by ensuring that all cash transactions are in line with the companys objectives to prevent loss of money, the other objective is to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation, the other objective is t ensure operational efficiency of the assets. The control system required by kingsmead over office equipment, motor vehicles and property plant and equipment include completeness of all the transactions. This means that all records must be kept to avoid any omission. There should be adequate valuation of the assets. This means that depreciation should be provided for at the end of each accounting period. There should be ownership controls. This involves inspection of title deeds, log books, certificates of ownership and solicitors certificates. Corporate governance refers to the way an organization is controlled and operated. It refers to process where the shareholders and the suppliers of funds assure themselves of an efficient utilization of their resources, security of their funds and a return on their investment. It is usually spearheaded by the management of an organization which includes the board of directors of a company on behalf of the shareholders and this creates the agency theory. Companies participate in corporate governance because of the principle of equal treatment of all the shareholders, taking care of 3rd parties interest in the firm, the integrity of the management team and the disclosure of relevant information to the general public to enable them makes informed decisions. Corporate governance leads to the agency problem between the shareholders and the management of the company. This is where there is an internal act by one or more persons to miss-represent the financial statement of the company with intent of misleading and thus resulting to a fraud. The fraud can take the form of misappropriation of assets, alteration of records and documents, misappropriation of accounting polices, creative accounting, suppression of the effects of a transaction from the books and engaging in money laundering. Fraud within an organization can be detected by the implementation of adequate accounting and operation systems. In order to achieve efficient corporate governance, the company should have a board of directors appointed by the shareholders in an annual general meeting, the auditors should also be appointed competitively and the company should have a non executive committee which would be able to look in the affairs of the company in a more detached manner from the management and the main board. Test of control refersto tests which seek to provide audit evidence that the internal control procedures are applied as prescribed. Control procedure/activity Test of control Segregation of duties between the sales and receivables in the organization, between the dispatch and accounting departments. Making enquiries about the conduct of duties by the various departments, the Matching of the invoices with the local purchase orders and sales receivables, and their sequential referencing. This would involve taking a sample of the sales invoices and try to get evidence that the company made comparison of the details in the local purchase order and in the sales orders. Signing of the documents for authorization purposes. The goods dispatch note should be signed by the customer and another person. The review of the accounting accuracy of the invoices by a second and third person. The sales invoices should be reviewed to obtain evidence that they were reviewed by a second and third person. Documenting collection of cash. This would involve observing the process, asking questions about the process and reconcile the bank statements with the cash books. Obtaining credit approvals for the extension of credit days from 45 to 60 This would involve checking the credit policy of the company. It would involve selecting a sample of the transactions and checking the approval process Audit procedures refer to the different methods used by an auditor in obtaining the evidence necessary for making an opinion on the financial statements of the firm. The different types of audit tests that can be used by the auditor include the substantive tests and tests of control. The substantive tests that are used include are the analytical reviews which examine the financial statements of the company to verify whether they have been prepared following the required principles. The internal control tests check on the suitability of the companys internal control systems. The procedures may be carried out using audit software. Audit software is software used by the auditor to read on client file to provide information for the audit and to perform procedures carried out by the client program. They are generelarised software, specialized writers software, utility software and audit software. The generalized software is for general application and can be used on different types computers. The specialized softwarre is programs written to be used on a particular client file only. Kingsmead can use this software to record all the transactions involving all its major customers for ease of tracing and evaluation. The utility program is the software that is used by the firm to perform common data processing such as sorting and printing files. Kingsmead can use this software to classify its debtors according to their compliance to paying their debts, and also monitoring the percentages of discounts and provisions for bad and doubtful debts. These audit software can be used in calculation checks, completeness check, selecting items for audit test, detecting violation of system rules such as on credit limits, unreasonable checks such as on hours worked and the equivalent pay on those hours worked. There is also the embedded soft ware which is used by the auditor to examine transactions passing through the system by placing his own program with a set of programs used for processing allowing real time testing of data. We also have the test data/test facts which are compliance tests designed to test the performance of clients programmes. The different audit records that can give evidence of work done include working papers. Working papers are the documents for recording work done by the auditor while conducting his audit. They provide assurance that the audit was carried out following the required standards. The audit papers usually show how the work was planned, how the audit process was carried out, the level of supervision involved and that proper review was carried out. They also show that sufficient evidence was obtained to enable the auditor make an opinion. The audit papers have to be signed and dated by the relevant staff and any matters outstanding have to solved in the due course. The other records which can be kept by the auditor include the working files where we have the primary audit files and the secondary files used at the different stages of the audit. An audit report is the final product of the audit engagement which enables the auditor to express his opinion on the financial statements of the company. The following is a draft audit report of Kingsmead plc. Independent Auditors Report To the shareholders, Kingsmead plc Report on the financial statement We have audited the financial statement of Kingsmead plc which includes the balance sheet of the company as at 30.06.2011, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and the cash flow statement for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management responsibility for the financial statement. The management is responsible for the preparations of the financial statements and the fair presentation of these statements in accordance with the internationally standard of reporting and for such internal control as management determines necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. Auditors responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on those financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the international standards of auditing. These standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. As the audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, the procedure selected depends on our judgment including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the statements, whether due to fraud or error. The audit was carried out on a test basis. The audit also involved evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of entities need as well as evaluating the presentation of the financial statements and the level of management. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion the financial statements of the company show the inapplicability of the going concern concept of the company as at 30.06.11, this is because of the financial difficulties the firm is going through as well as a threat of a take over. The company also has adverse gearing ratios meaning that it will not be able to pay its liabilities as and when they fall due. The companys share price dropped drastically and its an indication of poor management. Also the companys board chairman resigned and there was no replacement. The company has changed its operations and the future is uncertain. Therefore, the financial position show the inapplicability of the going concern concept and it is in the interest of the shareholders and creditors that we issue a qualified report, in accordance with the international auditing standards. Auditors signature. Date.. Auditors location.. Management letter of representation. A management letter is a letter written by the auditor to the management of the firm drawing the attention of the management to the shortcomings and weaknesses in the internal control of the organization. The letter is written after the evaluation of the internal control system but before the issue of the audit report. A draft management letter is as shown below; XYZ LTD POSTAL ADRESS 2643456 CHICAGO KINGSMEAD PLC, ADDRESS 4343434 LONDON. The company needs to evaluate its authorization procedures in order to avoid cases of fraud, the management should oversee the change of selling on credit to cash basis and for the goods sold on credit, the firm should institute measures to recover the debt. The internal control system regarding bad debts is not sufficient and there is no proper authority for declaring debts as bad. There should be regular rotations of staff managing the internal control of the company.If the recommendations are not implemented it will have an adverse effect on the financial statement of the company. The purpose of the management letter is to report to management about the accounting system and the related forms of control. It provides advice to the management on how to ensure reliability of the companys records. It enables the auditor to bring to the attention of management areas of weaknesses that might lead to material errors and fraud. It enables the auditor to communicate matters relating to internal control system that may have an impact on the future audit. The letter also provides the basis of planning subsequent audits through identification of risk areas. If the management is not willing to sign the letter, the auditor should consider discussing the issue with the management and if the management is still reluctant in signing the letter, the auditor should consider qualifying the report. Buy custom The Financial Statements of the Company essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

MSW vs. Ph.D. vs. DSW for a Career in Social Work

MSW vs. Ph.D. vs. DSW for a Career in Social Work Unlike many fields, social work has several graduate degree options. Many applicants considering careers in social work wonder which degree is right for them.   MSW Careers While bachelors degree holders in social work are employed in social work settings and work alongside social workers in many therapeutic roles, they must be supervised by MSW-level supervisors.   In this sense, the MSW is the standard entry requirement for most social work positions. Advancement to supervisor, program manager, assistant director, or executive director of a social service agency or department requires a graduate degree, at minimum an MSW, and experience. With an MSW a social worker may engage research, advocacy, and consulting. Social workers who go into private practice require, at a minimum, an MSW, supervised work experience, and state certification. MSW Programs Master’s degree programs in social work prepare graduates for work in a specialized field, such as with children and families, adolescents, or the elderly. MSW students learn how to perform clinical assessments, supervise others, and manage large caseloads. Master’s programs generally require 2 years of study and include a minimum of 900 hours of supervised field instruction or internship. A part-time program may take 4 years. Seek programs that are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education to ensure that the graduate program you choose will provide an appropriate education and meet state requirements for licensure and certification. The Council on Social Work Education accredits over 180 master’s programs. Doctoral Social Work Programs Social work applicants have two choices of doctoral degrees: the DSW and the Ph.D. A doctorate in social work (DSW) prepares graduates for the most advanced jobs, such as administration, supervision, and staff training positions. Generally speaking, the DSW is an applied degree in the sense that it prepares DSW holders for roles in practice settings as administrators, trainers, and evaluators. The Ph.D. in social work is a research degree. In other words, similar to the PsyD and   Ph.D. (degrees in psychology), the DSW and Ph.D. differ with regard to an emphasis on practice vs research. The DSW emphasizes training in practice, so graduates become expert practitioners, whereas the Ph.D. emphasizes research, training graduates for careers in research and teaching. College and university teaching positions and most research appointments generally require a Ph.D. and sometimes a DSW degree. Licensure and Certification All States and the District of Columbia have licensing, certification, or registration requirements regarding social work practice and the use of professional titles. Although standards for licensing vary by State, most require completion of an exam plus 2 years (3,000 hours) of supervised clinical experience for licensure of clinical social workers.   The Association of Social Work Boards  provides information about licensure for all states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the National Association of Social Workers offers voluntary credentials to MSW holders, such as the Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW), the Qualified Clinical Social Worker (QCSW), or the Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (DCSW) credential, based on their professional experience. Certification is a marker of experience, and is particularly important for social workers in private practice; some health insurance providers require certification for reimbursement.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Book Chapter Why Customization in the SAT Is Key

Book Chapter Why Customization in the SAT Is Key SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The final strategy from our book, The Insider's Guide to the SAT, is customization. This is the final pillar that willtie all of our strategies together. Why is customization so important? You have different strengths and weaknesses from other students. You have different goals. This means you need to prep in a way that’s customized to you. Just think about yourself compared to other students at your school. You might have gotten better grades in math than in English, or vice versa. Every student has different skills. It’s unlikely that any other student has the exact same skills as you. Therefore, every student needs a different study plan for the SAT. Here’s the problem: manyprep methods out there treat all students exactly the same. Books give the same strategies and lessons to every reader, and students read the book cover to cover in the same way. Expensive classes from big-name companies put 20 students into the same classroom and drag everyone through the same lectures. (Let’s put aside the fact that they hire inexperienced people fresh out of college.) The way to solve this problem is to ensure whatever study method you choose is customized. Ask your program, what real steps are they taking to customize the study for you? If you use a book, don't simply read it from cover to cover. Read more about how you can achieve customizationfrom the rest of our book, and get more tips from our SAT Guide to 160+ Points: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dr. Fred Zhang About the Author Fred is co-founder of PrepScholar. He scored a perfect score on the SAT and is passionate about sharing information with aspiring students. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Statements on Historical American Events Statement

Statements on Historical American Events - Personal Statement Example The corporations started accumulating large reserves and issuing new stocks and this contributed to the stock market crash. The government has undertaken measures to restructure the corporate world through ensuring corporations are run by hired management and ensuring ordinary citizens have a chance of owning a stake through buying shares in listed companies (Zakim and Kornblith 78). The capitalism influence has been curtailed by organized labor since trade unions bargain for minimum wages and better welfare of workers. This has been occasioned by various laws that govern employment practices and more enlightened workforce. The American capitalism has transformed to cater for all stakeholders in the economy including shareholders, employees, lenders, suppliers, government, and society. The management is responsible for ensuring efficiency and balancing the competing interests of various interested groups such as shareholders and employees. The modern management practices have a sense of responsibility towards the society and general public and companies avoid activities that may harm the environment such as pollution. Accordingly, various laws aim at enhancing perfect competition and limiting the influence of cartels and monopolies. Although the recent financial crisis identified some loopholes in corporate governance, measures have been undertaken to ensure that capitalism promotes ownership of property, good business governance and social responsibility. Capitalism has not hindered the freedoms enjoyed by the citizens. The scope of government is limited in a free market economy and its primary roles include safeguarding private contracts, ensuring law and order and fostering competitive markets. The government is also diversified since state governments provide basic amenities such as schools and sewage disposal depending on their by-laws and thus ensuring

Teacher Leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teacher Leaders - Essay Example of schooling, be it classroom activities, field trips, co-curricular activities, or provision of hygienic food, one important area that at times is easily looked upon and needs consideration is Homework. All other areas mentioned above are time limited and hence often are easy to deal within the constraint. However, homework is one such area for which teachers tend to have different perspectives. In fact, the same goes for the students and parents as well. Moreover, it also varies with the school level the students are belonging and therefore needs consideration accordingly. For the purpose of this paper, the school level chosen is middle level whose most common children group arrangement is from grade sixth to grade eighth. It is essential to see how this age group responds to homework. Having based on year-end surveys and classroom observation, creating a teacher-centered committee can help bring out those perspectives and align the two in order to identify areas of contradiction. Moreover, with their active involvement in suggesting remedies and attaining a mutual consensus over the best possible remedy, further implementation can take place. A simple approach towards developing up a teacher-centered committee will be to include a number of key figures that can directly affect the whole procedure of homework-policy making. The committee should have the subject teachers of each of these three grades as well as an educational psychologist as educator who can help teachers, understand how students of middle-level respond to homework and what type as well as what amount of homework should be given to them at what number of intervals. Prior to this for the head of the committee, it will be important to make up a plan for the formulation of the committee. However, even before that it will be imperative to analyze the survey results, received from the principal and derive conclusions and recommendations from the observation. This will not only help identify any

Friday, October 18, 2019

Several Topics(Psychology 101) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Several Topics(Psychology 101) - Essay Example According to social-learning theories, people learn by merely observing what others do and what happens to them. Cognitive theories emphasize cognitive processes such as thinking and judging and are guided by cognitions (e.g. expectations) about the world, especially those about other people. Trait theorists assume that traits are relatively stable over time, differ among individuals and they influence behavior. Hence personality theories focus on different key elements to explain the relationship between personality and other psychological constructs. A2.Sigmund Freud spent most of his life developing the theory of personality to describe how the human psyche or mind operates. According to his theory, human psyche is composed of parts that are conscious, preconscious, and unconscious: the conscious part of the psyche consists of all the thoughts that currently occupy our mind, the preconscious part of the psyche consists of the thoughts, memories, and knowledge that we are not currently aware of, but that are available to us as memories and knowledge and the unconscious part of our psyche holds thoughts, memories, impulses that we are not aware of. Freud also posited that the psyche is composed of three structures: the id, ego, and superego which interact and wrestle with each other for dominance and results in the whole of each human’s behavior. The id is driven by primitive animal instincts and seeks to maximize pleasure and minimize any discomfort. However, it does not care about what is practical, safe, or moral. The e go refers to one’s sense of self and functions according to the reality principle because its job is to gratify the id in accord with reality. The superego operates according to the morality principle in that it seeks what is good and moral above all else. The ego aims to gratify the id’s primitive needs within the constraints of reality and within the moral

Keeping Animals in Zoos and Aquaria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Keeping Animals in Zoos and Aquaria - Essay Example This essay stresses that the vast majority of zoos across the globe offer breeding programs for some animals that may be either endangered or lacking the capability to find mates. From a conservationist approach, this move helps to restore the diversity of the wild by saving the endangered species. From an animal rights point of view, keeping animals in captivity for breeding purposes helps the animal to pass its genes to its offspring. Medical and ecological reasons may force zoologists to put some animals under captivity, especially if the animals suffer from treatable conditions. Some animals have inherent characteristics that may prevent them from mating and breeding naturally. This paper makes a conclusion that animals should not be kept in zoos and aquaria for any other purposes other than those that protect the lives of such animals. Modern zoos and aquaria focus on profit ate the expense of the animals’ enjoyment of their surroundings. Animal rights activists and some conservationists oppose strongly, the idea of holding animals in captivity. However, some cases warrant the keeping of animals in aquaria and zoos, especially circumstances that stand to benefit the animal in terms of protection, health, and food. In this respect, animals should not be kept in any zoo or aquarium except when the lives of such animals are in danger. The deciding factor should be the right and benefit to the animal rather than the interest of zoo and aquaria managers.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

It is important to preserve the rule of law in Hong Kong but somehow Essay

It is important to preserve the rule of law in Hong Kong but somehow its existence in Hong Kong is more of a myth than a real - Essay Example One can hence derive the idea that the legality and equality form the roots of Hong Kong’s legislature and every other principle revolves around it. To promote equality, the country’s legislature involves a ruling system specially designed to restrict the discretionary powers of the government. It provides the courts with a guideline for ensuring that constitutional powers are not exploited in any way by the government officials. So, any unreasonable decision or any attempt of exercising excessive power is always made invalid or futile by the court orders. The rule of law holds an important place in the Hong Kong system of legislature. It most certainly, is one of its greatest strengths. It is something that ensures the country’s status as a leading centre in the financial market in terms of finance and commerce and provides a secure environment for the businessmen to work in. Thus, it is the defining ideology upon which the people of the country put their trust and faith. They are proud of possessing an independent judiciary and are very concerned about upholding the integrity of their legal system. Any threats or criticism against the rule of law is severely dealt with. It is very important to realize the rule of law actually needs a very transparent legislation to work effectively. Without a clearly defined set of laws that are justified and comfortable for every citizen of the country and an independent and strong judicial and enforcement bodies, it is impossible to govern a country by the rule of law. Hence, the rule of law resembles the British legislation as it was proposed when Hong Kong was under the British colonial rule. Although, there was much concern that the rule of law would be compromised when Hong Kong was remerged with its motherland, it did not happen so and it still remains fair and just. For those who say that the rule of law is a myth are certainly very wrong in my personal opinion. Hong Kong has always preserved the core values of its legislature that involves freedom of speech and defending the human rights. The justice department works free from any outside interference or pressures and is responsible for maintaining law and order and defining the working principles for different matters in the society. Moreover, the responsibility of giving the government legal advices is handed over to the Secretary of Justice. Not to forget the fact that the country’s legal system consists of about 5000 lawyers and about 700 law firms. Through all such measures, the judiciary of the country has been improved to quite a great extent. The courts in Hong Kong are mainly operated by its judiciary which is independent of both the executive and the legislative councils as mentioned earlier as well. The word ‘independent’ is highly stressed upon because it holds the true essence of the rule of law. The legal body in Hong Kong enjoys a lot of protective measures and cannot be questioned by the government. This allows the system to be utterly transparent and just. The highest post in Hong Kong’s judicial council is that of Chief Justice, who is then assisted by other officials of different ranks and responsibilities. To ensure that the system remains profound, the rule of law r

Story analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Story analysis - Assignment Example He has come to know that, if he truly loves his brother, he should respect his desire for freedom and individuality and to appreciate how music frees all of them from their inner struggles. The story has the theme of brotherly love. The narrator cannot seem to show his love for his brother whom he has harshly judged, when the latter chose to be a jazz player instead of finishing college and especially when he became addicted to heroin. This short story includes their mother’s narration of what happened to their father’s brother. Their father lost his brother due to racism and injustice. His mother reminds the narrator to take care of his brother: â€Å"You may not be able to stop nothing from happening. But you got to let him know you’s there† (Baldwin par. 112). She tells his son to love his brother whatever happens because the world is already cruel, and the only way to make it less cruel is to ensure that they have each other’s back whatever happens. If they suffer, and they will, they must suffer

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

It is important to preserve the rule of law in Hong Kong but somehow Essay

It is important to preserve the rule of law in Hong Kong but somehow its existence in Hong Kong is more of a myth than a real - Essay Example One can hence derive the idea that the legality and equality form the roots of Hong Kong’s legislature and every other principle revolves around it. To promote equality, the country’s legislature involves a ruling system specially designed to restrict the discretionary powers of the government. It provides the courts with a guideline for ensuring that constitutional powers are not exploited in any way by the government officials. So, any unreasonable decision or any attempt of exercising excessive power is always made invalid or futile by the court orders. The rule of law holds an important place in the Hong Kong system of legislature. It most certainly, is one of its greatest strengths. It is something that ensures the country’s status as a leading centre in the financial market in terms of finance and commerce and provides a secure environment for the businessmen to work in. Thus, it is the defining ideology upon which the people of the country put their trust and faith. They are proud of possessing an independent judiciary and are very concerned about upholding the integrity of their legal system. Any threats or criticism against the rule of law is severely dealt with. It is very important to realize the rule of law actually needs a very transparent legislation to work effectively. Without a clearly defined set of laws that are justified and comfortable for every citizen of the country and an independent and strong judicial and enforcement bodies, it is impossible to govern a country by the rule of law. Hence, the rule of law resembles the British legislation as it was proposed when Hong Kong was under the British colonial rule. Although, there was much concern that the rule of law would be compromised when Hong Kong was remerged with its motherland, it did not happen so and it still remains fair and just. For those who say that the rule of law is a myth are certainly very wrong in my personal opinion. Hong Kong has always preserved the core values of its legislature that involves freedom of speech and defending the human rights. The justice department works free from any outside interference or pressures and is responsible for maintaining law and order and defining the working principles for different matters in the society. Moreover, the responsibility of giving the government legal advices is handed over to the Secretary of Justice. Not to forget the fact that the country’s legal system consists of about 5000 lawyers and about 700 law firms. Through all such measures, the judiciary of the country has been improved to quite a great extent. The courts in Hong Kong are mainly operated by its judiciary which is independent of both the executive and the legislative councils as mentioned earlier as well. The word ‘independent’ is highly stressed upon because it holds the true essence of the rule of law. The legal body in Hong Kong enjoys a lot of protective measures and cannot be questioned by the government. This allows the system to be utterly transparent and just. The highest post in Hong Kong’s judicial council is that of Chief Justice, who is then assisted by other officials of different ranks and responsibilities. To ensure that the system remains profound, the rule of law r

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tariffs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tariffs - Assignment Example Nevertheless, in some countries, tariff still counts much as source of government revenue. The government can also employ tariff as a measure to protect domestic industries. Sometimes global competition can harm the domestic industries which have not realized full economy of scale. Industrialized countries may have industry that can produce products at a low costs partly due to government subsidization. When those products are imported to a given country, they may bring unhealthy competition and make local industry collapse. In this regard, government may put trade barriers in terms of tariff duty to discourage importation of certain products and allow the growth of the local industry. As a matter of fact, a close examination of the tariff used by different countries has disclosed that, to a greater extent, the competitiveness of the industry is linked to the tariff imposed on the same products (WTO pp 1). When the states want to strike a balance between allowing imports and at the same time giving a chance for the local industries to grow, they use tariff quotas. Tariffs quotas work on the principle of assigning no or low duty to a given volume of goods imported and then charging higher rates to any imported goods above that limit. The World Trade Organization bans the idea of quantitative restrictions as a way of protecting local industries but it allows the system to be employed for this purpose. Lastly, punitive tariff can be used to remedy trade imbalance that results from measures used by other countries. For instance, Antidumping Agreement empowers states to use antidumping duties to rectify cases of proven dumping injurious situations. Equally, the Subsidies Agreement provides for other states to impose countervailing duties if an exporting country has subsidized its manufacturer (summer and Smith pp 4). Overall, tariff is an

Monday, October 14, 2019

Genetically organism Essay Example for Free

Genetically organism Essay Everyone in the world competes in his/her way to maintain standards through which he/she can feed themselves and their loved ones with food. It is the basic necessity every human being requires daily from birth until death. Today in the modern days different forms of many foods have evolved ranging from organic foods to genetically modified foods. Since the genetically modified foods have taken over the market they are known to be greater in resistance to pesticides and viruses, provide higher nutritional value and have a longer expiration date. Lastly, these foods are sold at cheaper prices in comparison to the organic foods. However, the potential risks of these foods are still being debated all over the world. The three reasons why the genetically engineered food should be labeled separately are the health hazards, religious ethical concerns, and economic concerns involved. The reason why genetically modified foods should be labeled separately from organic foods are the health hazards involved in the production. The major health hazard involved in the non-labeling of genetic foods is that people all over the world have allergies to particular types of ingredients used in the manufacturing of the foods. The genetically modified foods include soybean, maize, chicory, potato, squash, oilseed rape (canola), pineapples, and strawberries. [1] Genetically modified foods can cause health diseases such as cancers, a newly discovered disease Morgellons, and other allergies. Without any specific labeling, the rate at which these diseases can occur doubles because people allergic to certain genes used in these foods, and there is no other way to determines these foods contain these genes or not. A recent article published in Lancet examined the effects of GM potatoes on the digestive tract in rats. This study claimed that there were appreciable differences in the intestines of rats fed GM potatoes and rats fed unmodified potatoes. Many children in the US and Europe have developed life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other foods. There is a possibility that introducing a gene into a plant may create a new allergen or cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. (Raab, Grobe; 2009) [2] The quoted article above examines the differences between the Rats that fed on organic produce of potatoes and the ones’ that fed on the GM potatoes. The rats that fed on GM foods developed precancerous cell growth in their digestive tracts, inhibited developments of their brains, livers, and testicles. They also faced enlarged pancreas and intestines, and suffered immune system damage. The quote also demonstrates the possibility of the harmful side effects that GM foods can cause to future human generations. The possible solution to minimize these side effects is that Extensive testing of GM foods should be required to avoid the possibility of harm to consumers with food allergies. Labeling of GM foods and food products will acquire new importance. Before buying a certain GM product, people will be able to determine if they are allergic to its ingredients or not. Another reason why genetically modified foods should be labeled separately from organic foods is the religious ethical concerns involved in the production. Different religious groups prohibit themselves from eating certain types of animal products. For example, Muslims do not eat any type of enzymes extracted from Pork. [3] Thus, using genes to create traces of genetic material from pork in GM foods and plants without labeling them could cause a stir in the Muslim sect. Another ethical concern is that Animal rights can harmfully be affected by excessive manufacturing of Genetic Foods. For example, Sheep given more powerful hormones could suffer problems relating to growth and problems in digestive systems. Without specific labeling on foods, animals being tested cannot be identified, and this could lead to further malpractices by large corporations. Ethical and religious concerns include the belief that the technology involved is unnatural, and preoccupations regarding the consumption of religiously forbidden ingredients from certain animals. These new technologies, it is argued, violate religious freedom by placing a burden on those who follow strict religious dietary laws. The government is not constitutionally obligated to make accommodations in favor of religious groups that are incidentally affected by neutral rules. Accordingly, the neutral decision of not labeling genetically modified foods met this constitutional standard and was not subjected to a more rigorous constitutional adjudication test. (Lietz, 2000) [4]. The quoted excerpt above from the Harvard law review emphasizes the importance of the labeling on genetically modified foods because without explanation of how these foods are manufactured, it is unethical and unfavorable to religious and cultural groups that restrict themselves from practices in consumption of certain ingredients included in these foods. In other words, the use of these technologies is harming the religion freedom of people. [4] The government of United States protects the non-labeling by not passing laws that require rigorous tests on GM foods because it is believed that there are already laws that protect religious groups. The third reason why genetically modified foods should be labeled separately is the economic concerns involved in the production. The main economic concern is that the world food market could be monopolized by large multinational corporations that control the production and distribution of genetically manufactured seeds. If this happens, they would be able manipulate governments to pass laws that don’t require companies to label their GM foods. [5] Monopolization will increase prices of seeds and eliminate small level farming. GMOs are the products of large corporations and considered intellectual property. Thus, they are protected by patents and copyrights. This means that if farmers want to use genetically modified crops, they must buy it from a corporation. If the world relies solely on GMOs, this means that these corporations will control the worlds food supply, leading to the monopolization of food. The use of GMOs is driving out the need for small farmers. These small farmers are forced to switch to GMOs in order to compete with other GMO farmers, but in the process, they are subjugated to the control of the corporation that produced the GMOs. (Barton, 2002) [6] The above passage was taken from a research about non labeling consequences published in the Harvard Law Review that extrapolates the consequences if the food industry is monopolized. It explains that if this happens, the patents and copyrights will increase prices of foods massively and abolish the system of low scale farming. Each and every farmer will need to rely on large corporations to grow crops, and GM foods will be seasonal that means in every season the seeds will expire and costs of storage and harvesting will sky rocket. All in all, the corporations will completely take over the food sourcing misleading people in what they produce for the sole purpose of profits. Thus, it will be considered legal and ethical. Regulations should be passed by governments all around the world that strictly insist on the labeling of genetically manufactured foods. Without labeling on the Genetically Modified Foods the health hazards, religious ethical concerns, and economical concerns will increase over time. Therefore, instead of looking at the future from the eyes of the economic benefit, the world should look at the consequences this evolution could lead. Works Cited Page 1. Genetically Modified Food. Crowdsourcing Questions Answers. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 May 2011. http://lockergnome. net/questions/48354/genetically-modified-food 2. [6]Barton. GMF Labeling Issues. Harvard Law Review, Winter 2002. Web. 18 May 2011. http://leda. law. harvard. edu/leda/data/438/MelendezJuarbeRiveraTorres. html. 3. Daneil, Genetically Modified Foods | Better Health Channel. Home | Better Health Channel. Deakin University. Web. 18 May 2011. http://www. betterhealth. vic. gov. au/bhcv2/bhcarticles. nsf/pages/genetically_modified_foods? open. 4. [2]Grobe, and Raab. Genetically Modified Foods | Better Health Channel. Home | Better Health Channel. Deakin University. Web. 18 May 2011. http://www. betterhealth. vic. gov. au/bhcv2/bhcarticles. nsf/pages/genetically_modified_foods? open. 5. [4] Lietz, supra note 11, at 416; Julie Teel, Regulating Genetically Modified Products and Processes: An Overview of Approaches, 8 N. Y. U. ENVTL. L. J. 649, 660-61 (2000) 6. Genetically Modified Food. Crowdsourcing Questions Answers. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 May 2011. http://lockergnome. net/questions/48354/genetically-modified-food.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Roger’s Theory as compared to that of Ellis’ Theory Essay -- Psycholog

Anderson (n.d) states, â€Å"Carl Rogers, a pioneering psychotherapist and the most influential psychologist in American history was one of the most prominent people of his time.† Rogers’ ideas and practices brought about a change in the school of humanistic psychology. What he learned in philosophy and philosophy of education influenced his personal life experiences which led him to a revolutionary of theory of therapy (Corsini, 2011 p. 148). According to an electrical resource, Client –centered therapy is a form of talk psychotherapy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in 1940s and 1950s (â€Å"PCT†, n.d.). Certainly, Rogers’ non-directive approach to client- centered therapy focused on the importance of individual feelings and perceptions of self in the present. Rogers believed that this process increased understanding of self-awareness within the client. If the clients can identify, fully accept, and clarify feelings in their conscious, it wil l help them to determine the solution to their own problem. Since Carl Rogers was the one the first influential therapist, Alert Ellis became the second most influential therapist of all times in cognitive behavior therapy. Ellis developed a theory called Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in the mid-1950s. Wikipedia (n.d.) explain this theory as , â€Å"A comprehensive, active–directive, philosophically and empirically based psychotherapy which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioral problem and disturbances and enabling people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.† Unlike client-centered therapy, Ellis active-directive approach to rational emotive behavior therapy focused on The ABCD technique. This ABCD framework is defined as: (A) activating even not from an emotion, (B) bel... ... (Corsini, 2011 p. 153). However, rational emotive behvior therapist provided much direction, whereas the person centered approach encourages the client to determine direction (Corsini, 2011 p. 153). Furthermore, Rogers emphasize the conditions of a person’s right freely express themselves in solving their own problems. However, Ellis theory pays attention to the development of thoughts and emotions people experience. Similar, outcomes are evident in both client-centered therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy after the patients have received valuable assistance. The clients continue to show growth and healing in their conscious as they revealed about life’s current problems. Likewise, Rogers and Ellis neither focused the patients past lifestyle or relied on unconscious. The clients were able to gain a sense of self-awareness at the end of the therapy.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

life :: essays research papers

The magazine's editors chose the nameless soldier to represent the 1.4 million men and women who make up the U.S. military, which led the invasion of Iraq nine months ago and a week ago captured deposed leader Saddam Hussein. About 130,000 U.S. soldiers remain in Iraq, with others deployed in Afghanistan, South Korea and elsewhere. Soldiers were singled out as the top newsmakers of the year because "the very messy aftermath of the war made it clear that the mission had changed, that the mission had not been completed and that this would be a story that would be with us for months, if not years, to come," Time Managing Editor Jim Kelly said. The selection echoes 1950, the year the Korean War began, when editors picked the American GI for the cover, writing that "it was not a role the American had sought, either as an individual or as a nation. The U.S. fighting-man was not civilization's crusader, but destiny's draftee." The 2003 Person of the Year package, which hits newsstands Monday, focuses on a 12-person artillery survey unit stationed in Iraq to tell the story of the American soldier. Two Time journalists embedded with the platoon were injured in a grenade attack this month. Three soldiers with the unit -- Marquette Whiteside, Billie Grimes and Ronald Buxton -- are shown on the cover. The magazine glorifies soldiers but not the Bush administration for putting them in Iraq, calling troops "the bright sharp instrument of a blunt policy," and leaving it to scholars to debate "whether the Bush doctrine is the most muscular expression of national interest in a half-century." The justification for a U.S. military presence in Iraq has been widely questioned, as coalition forces have found no weapons of mass destruction, which President Bush had argued Saddam was stockpiling. Guerrilla attacks against U.S. and allied forces stationed there have escalated over the months since May 1 when the president declared an end to major combat. More coalition troops died in November than in any other month: 104, including 79 Americans. "A force intensively trained for its mission finds itself improvising at every turn, required to exercise exquisite judgment in extreme circumstances," the magazine said. "They complain less about the danger than the uncertainty -- they are told they're going home in two weeks, and then two months later they have not moved." The Pentagon has said it expects to reduce the number of American troops in Iraq to just over 100,000 by May.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Primate Observation Essay

Primates are some of the most interesting animals to watch and learn about whether it be in person at a zoo or seeing a film or documentary on wild ones in a natural environment. Part of this reason is due to the incredible amount of similarities found in between primates and humans. After observing two different primate species at a local zoo, I found out that by observing their behavior, we gain a small insight into human behaviors and their roots. Today I will discuss the different types of behavior I observed as well as the effects of being in captivity and how this helps us understand hunan behavior. On sunny April 19th this year, I visited the San Francisco Zoo and the first species I observed were the gorillas, also known as Gorilla Beringei. Upon approaching the gorilla habitat, at about 1:30 p.m., I noticed the enclosure was roughly about fifty yards in diameter. Throughout the enclosure, there were different levels of ground elevation varying from small hills, to large rock structures placed about twenty feet away from the gorilla cages inside the habitat. There were also many plant or bush like shrubs around as well as trees varying from shape and size throughout the enclosure. The overall shape of the enclosure was similar to an octagon which supported different observational vantage points from a few different sides. The gorillas are the largest primates still existing today. The gorillas in the enclosure varied in size and appearances. All the females were much smaller then the male silverback, however within the female group, their sizes also varied. Some females within the group were less massive and more lengthy then for example the female in charge of the newborn gorilla. The â€Å"mother† of the baby gorilla, Kabibe, was much larger then the other females and she seemed to have more authority within the social group. The male silverback, Oscar Jones, was impressively larger then any other gorillas in the enclosure and had a much larger head and arms in comparison. He had long thick black hair with a patch of silver on his back symbolizing maturity. In total, I observed about six to eight gorillas out of the cages and interacting within the enclosure. The second species I  observed around 3:40 pm were the siamangs, or symphalangus syndactylus. Their enclosure was much different then the previously observed gorillas enclosure. This one was about fifty feet high, 30 feet long, and 20 feet wide and in the shape of the letter â€Å"L†. It’s made of reinforced glass from the bottom to about 10 feet high, then becomes a chain linked metal cage the rest of the way up. The structure contained many different objects from which the siamangs were able to use to climb up or down. Some of these objects included, climbing logs, swings, many thick pieces of rope, cylindrical shaped rubber tubes, planks of wood, and many other suspended objects. Towards the bottom of the enclosure, there were also a lot of plant life and bushes or flower like things where the siamangs could sit or interact with one another when not climbing around. Within the enclosure, there were two siamangs. Although not labeled, since siamangs are monogamous primates, I assume one was male and one was female. Physically, the siamangs are just a bit larger then the other gibbons however still small in comparison to the apes. They have no tails, are slender and long armed as they are arboreal lesser apes. They are covered with long dense black hair and have long hooked nails. Siamangs are also known to have large throat sacs which they can use to let out a very loud call to warn against predators. However, neither of these siamangs had the adaptive throat sacs. Also, there was not much difference in size between the male and female gender. After observing the two primate species and reviewing my field notes, I noticed the two species although both part of the ape family, are not that similar in fact. For example, the gorillas social organization consists of a one male, multi female group with the male being the alpha leader. He ensures that it is his genetics being passed on to the offspring and that is the only way he will protect and partake in the baby’s life. Due to being a one male, multi female group, it is not uncommon for gorilla males to kill any infant they assume is not theirs. There also seemed to be a sense of hierarchy amongst the females themselves, with Kabibe’s mother, at the top of the female group. However, the male silver back Oscar Jones, was still maintaing authority amongst the entire group by charging the females. On the other hand, the siamangs are a pair bonded group whom select mates for life and have a family. In the enclosure I observed, there were only two siamangs present who behaved very differently from one another. One siamang continued to be very active, swinging throughout the cage and constantly climbing up and down the metal fence. However, the other siamang, which I believed to be female, sat on a small rock towards the bottom corner of the enclosure and did not interact with any bystanders or the other siamang at all. Also, my friend and I noticed this sitting siamang also seemed to appear as if it were depressed. Many times the active siamang would swing down and try and interact with his partner and the other siamang would just ignore him and continue staring down or out the glass. One of the gorillas I was observing displayed a way of acquiring food which I thought was quite intelligent. She grabbed a thin leaf filled branch from a tree and placed her hand at the top of the branch. Starting from the top she pulled her hand down towards the other end pulling any leaves out together instead of one by one. She then disposed of the branch by throwing it a few feet away from her. This showe d a level of intelligence I have not seen in other primates. The gorillas mainly stick to eating leaves and vegetation found in their enclosure from many trees and plants around. This similar to their natural habitat, does not offer them lots of nutritional value, however is available in large quantities and available year round. I am also assuming they are fed fruits by zoo employees as well for nutritional quality and value. The three females outside in the enclosure seemed to be isolated about 20 feet away from each other and spread around the enclosure. They did not seem to be sharing any source of food or interact much with one another unless they were nearing the cage door within the enclosure. The siamangs did not seem to display any signs of higher intelligence. One continued to constantly move around the cage by climbing up then swinging back down. The other siamang just sat in isolation and was not physically active much at all. They did not share anything amongst themselves and did not interact much either. The two primate species I observed did not have much in common, except for their diet. Both the gorillas and the siamangs are both primarily vegetarians and consume different types of leaves, fruits, and other plants found in their habitats. I was not able to observe how the siamangs acquired their food or how they react to â€Å"meal time†, however based on my observations I assume the siamangs would not share much either due to their lack of interaction with one another. This throws me off because according to what I have learned in class, the siamangs are in fact mates with one  another for life and yet they did not interact with one another at all durin g my observations at the zoo. I believe these similarities in diet exist because that the siamangs and gorillas are part of the ape family. However, the differences in behavior, mating, social organization, and intelligence also exist due to the fact that they are separated between the â€Å"lesser apes† (siamangs), and the â€Å"great apes† (gorillas). Another reason why these differences might exist is due to where the species originated from. Gorillas originally were from Africa while Gibbons were found from Southeast Asia. Overall after reviewing my notes, I noticed that the Siamangs are much less intelligent then the gorillas, yet more active. I believe this is because the siamangs are much smaller, requiring less energy to move about their enclosure in such a fast and excited manner. The gorillas on the other hand are much more complex in behavior as they actually interact with one another by expressing sounds and or physical actions. They also seem to be aware the fact that many people are around them watching, and they also react to this by hiding back in the cages or moving away behind a tree or rock structure. I have always believed that being held captive in a zoo, is no where close to being free in your natural habitat. How can one take an animal who should have the ability to roam endless land and have the need to survive in the â€Å"natural† world and put them in a restricted enclosure, a fraction the s ize of their natural habitats and claim that these animals are happy there? I personally believe being in captivity and on display in a zoo has many negative effects on these animals. While observing the gorillas, they seemed to be heavily affected by their environment and surroundings. In a gorillas natural habitat, you would most likely find them playing with one another, acquiring food, and being active. However, most times in zoo’s you simply find the gorillas not really doing anything besides just sitting there. These are most likely due to psychological effects brought on by being captive and put on display to thousands of people all the time. While observing, I noticed the gorillas did not really do much besides move around to their own spot of the enclosure, about twenty feet away from one another, and just sit there and stare at the people watching them. Also, these gorillas suffer mental trauma from being teased or provoked to a level where they feel threatened by all these yelling kids and or adults. I do not believe the behaviors  exhibited by gorillas in captivity are â€Å"natural† due to the fact that gorillas are very intelligent. According to, â€Å"As humans are watching them they will be watching as well. This is why they often pick up behaviors from people.† As a result, behaviors seen by gorillas in a zoo would not be the same behaviors shown by wild gorillas in natural environment. With thousands of people standing around the enclosure yelli ng and making gestures towards the gorilla, it is safe to say the gorillas observe the humans behavior and repeat behaviors they have learned. The siamangs I observed also display a bit of natural and unnatural behaviors as well. For example, siamangs are arboreal primates who live in tree top canopies and are rarely seen walking on the ground. They use their long limbs and fingers as hooks to swing from branch or vine to another and that is how they maneuver throughout the forests. One of the siamangs I was watching was very active and continued to swing back and forth throughout his enclosure almost the entire time I was watching. He would use logs and ropes to climb up to the top corner of the cage, then he would observe from up there for a few seconds. After, he would make his way back down towards the bottom of the enclosure and would leap around. This is natural behavior to be seen by a siamang even in the wild. However, the other siamang within the enclosure exhibited some worrying signs of unnatural behavior. This siamang was sitting on a rock of some sort around the enclosure floor and would stare down towards the ground or look out the glass. However, she would not move at all throughout my entire observation time and really seemed depressed. At one point, the other active siamang swung down and got very close to her and still she did not move or interact at all. Im assuming this is a psychological effect brought on by being trapped in such a small con tainment instead of being able to roam about the forest and be free. I believe that this specific siamang has been held in captivity for a while longer due to the behavior shown. Observing these primates in their natural wild environment would have significantly different behavior observations. Living in the wild, these primates experience struggles to survive such as finding sources of food, competition for mating, and also predators and dangers. These are not really things captive animals in zoos experience due to human intervention. For example in the wild, gorillas are moving to a new â€Å"camping ground† very often due to predators such as large cats and build a  sleeping nest to stay protected. This is natural adaptive behavior found in gorillas; however, you will not see this in captive gorillas because the only predators they experience are humans taunting or screaming at them and they do not have enough space available to travel distances. As a result of these observations, primates and other animals in captivity may not exhibit natural behaviors observed in their natural environment. After spending the day observing the behaviors of both the gorillas and the siamangs, I see some behavior patterns that I also see in humans. For example, the siamangs find mates for life and raise a family and that is their social group. This is basically most families around the world. Our social group normally consists of us with a single mate whom we raise children with. I believe the fact that we as humans ideally choose to settle down with a single partner and raise children has to do with our culture and not necessarily as an instinctual choice such as the siamangs. As humans most of us find it wrong to have more then one mate or parter and we call it â€Å"cheating.† However, based on my observations of the primates, it is a natural and instinctual decision to try and mate as much as possible to ensure your genetics being passed on and carried through the future since that is life’s main objective. Another example is the effects of captivity the depressed siamang suffered from. This is very common in humans as well to become anti social or depressed when placed in a small room such as a jail cell. Studying primates can help us understand more of where humans came from due to our recent shared common ancestor. We are able to see some behavior patterns from the primates found in humans as well, however there are many behavioral patterns in the primates which is uncommon for humans. For example, the gorillas tended to be in isolation and spread out throughout the enclosure for most of the time. Humans on the other hand, if having to live together for a long period of time such as the gorillas, are more likely to build a tight knit group and have lots of interactions with one another. Based on my observations, there are some behavioral patterns found in both primates and humans. However the cause of these patterns differ based on instinct and adaptations in primates compared to culture and morality in humans. I believe that by studying and observing behavioral patterns in primates, we can better understand where some of our own actions and  behaviors derived from, and whether its something that is instinctual and preprogrammed, or if it is something we have created and added to part of our culture as humans. Works Cited Cawthon Lang KA. 2005 October 4. Primate Factsheets: Gorilla (Gorilla) Behavior .